Project Scope
Red Lick Creek FRS 12 is a homogenous earth embankment dam with a pipe-and-riser principal spillway and an earthen auxiliary spillway in the dam’s left abutment. The dam was constructed as a significant hazard potential dam; however, development downstream of the dam prompted its reclassification as a high hazard potential structure. In its existing condition, the dam does not meet current State and Federal dam safety and performance requirements for a high hazard potential structure.
To rehabilitate the structure to meet current criteria, the Aterra-Schnabel JV team (ASJV) used the previously identified preferred alternative as a basis for the design and performed an intensive review of existing technical documents and previous site investigations, including “as-built” plans and original design reports. ASJV then performed field reconnaissance of the dam, watershed, and downstream areas to review site conditions. After commissioning a field survey, a geotechnical field investigation including laboratory testing was conducted to gather data in support of the proposed rehabilitation design. The findings of this investigation and survey were used to support additional hydraulic and hydrologic modeling.
Ongoing engineering design will incorporate geotechnical, hydrologic, hydraulic, and structural parameters obtained through rigorous analytical methods. ASJV will produce final rehabilitation design plans based on the results of the investigation and analyses, as well as develop a detailed list of materials, construction specifications, and an estimate of the cost and construction schedule. During all stages of design, our team maintains frequent communication with NRCS and the project sponsor, Red Lick Creek Watershed Conservancy District, to ensure reviews are prompt, efficient, and the project’s proposed schedule can be followed as closely as possible.