We have have strong knowledge of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines for levee certifications and evaluations, which we have demonstrated on numerous levee certification projects in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Maryland, Ohio, and Kentucky.
Certification that a levee meets the requirements of 44 CFR 65.10 must be performed before the levee can be accredited by the FEMA. The certification indicates that the levee satisfies the regulatory design, maintenance, and operation criteria.
Typically, the certification process can be broken down into evaluation of four major components: freeboard, stability and seepage, management of interior drainage, and maintenance and operation components. Once the levee is certified, FEMA will accredit the levee as providing adequate risk reduction against the one-percent-annual-chance flood on a Flood Insurance Rate Map. Levee certification and its documentation is the responsibility of the levee owner or community in charge of its operation and maintenance.
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We offer a full range of services for levee certifications, from initial assessment of levee system viability for certification to full certification. Our streamlined levee certification approach leverages available data and ultimately reduces the cost that our clients incur.
The following is a list of specific levee engineering services that we can provide to our clients:
- Visual inspections and evaluations
- Hydrologic, hydraulic, and breach modeling
- Interior drainage modeling
- Geotechnical engineering analyses
- Pump station and closure structure evaluations
- Operation and maintenance plans
- FEMA certifications
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