Joe is a civil and water resources engineer with over three decades of experience specializing in hydrologic, hydraulic, sediment transport, and dam break modeling; dam engineering; spillway hydraulics and design; levee design and evaluation; probabilistic flood hazard studies; and flood control planning and design. His experience also includes stormwater management planning and design; bridge hydraulics and scour analyses; urban drainage modeling and design; highway drainage & stormwater systems; erosion and sediment control design; roadway design; water distribution design and modeling; and wetland mitigation design. His experience encompasses the application of a variety of surface water modeling techniques including 1 dimensional/ steady-flow hydraulic modeling (HEC-RAS and WSPRO); 1 dimensional/unsteady-flow hydraulic modeling (HEC-RAS and UNET); 2 dimensional flow hydraulic modeling (HEC-RAS 2D, FESWMS/SMS, FLO-2D, and RiverFlow2D); interior/ urban drainage modeling (SWMM); rainfall-runoff modeling (HEC-RAS 2D, HEC-HMS, and TR-20); and 1-dimensional sediment transport modeling (HEC-RAS and HEC-6).
Much of Joe’s career has involved supporting the NRCS and USACE dam and levee safety programs and FEMA’s National Flood Insurance and levee certification programs. Between 2011 and 2016, Joe also supported the nuclear industry in its regulatory response to the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident, both as the Flooding Subject Matter Expert for Exelon’s nuclear fleet as well as an integral part of the NEI Fukushima Flooding Task Force. Since 2006, he has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Pennsylvania teaching “Surface Water Hydrology” (2006-2011) and Villanova University teaching “Open Channel Hydraulics” (2018) and “River Mechanics and Engineering” (2006-present).