Project Scope
Miller Pond and White Oak Pond Dams are high hazard potential impoundments located in Wayne County, Pennsylvania. Both impoundments are owned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and maintained and operated by the Fish & Boat Commission. As capital improvement project, the design, and construction of the proposed rehabilitation of Miller Pond Dam are being coordinated by the Department of General Services. As a sub-consultant to Schnabel Engineering, LLC, we provided a range of engineering services towards the rehabilitation of the structures.
Engineering inspections led to the conclusion that the dams should be drawn down and remain in that state until long-term improvements can be made. The goal of the two projects is to remove the unsafe structures and provide a safe impoundment for the continued use of recreational boating and fishing. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses included developing HEC-HMS models to evaluate the performance of the dams for a range of precipitation inputs including the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) event. A two-dimensional hydraulic HEC-RAS model was developed and linked to the HEC-HMS models to develop flood risk assessments and to evaluate downstream impacts of potential dam failures. The modeling domain of the HEC-RAS model extended from the respective structures to downstream of Prompton Lake.